Monday, December 04, 2006

Give The Gift Of Music!
Does your child have a toy box packed with toys that they haven't played with in weeks? Or a play room that is overflowing into the hallway? Grandparents or distant aunts and uncles need Christmas present ideas for your little one? Kapital Musik classes make a great gift... no strings attached (and none of those pesky twist ties and plastic to have to work through. Not to mention that you won't need batteries for this gift!).
Kapital Musik's winter/spring schedule:

Sign & Sing: 6 months-3 years Mondays, 5 – 6 PM
This class is for hearing and hearing impaired children alike and helps facilitate communication skills. It is VERY helpful for pre-speakers as well as young yappers who can't quite come out with the words but still have it in their hearts to express! Parents also learn to interpret their child's version of ASL signs and to become aware of the teachable moments. Session A will run from Feb 5th through March 5th. Session B will run from April 16 through May 14th. You must take Session A classes to participate in Session B. Both are 5 week classes and are $80 each, including materials. Take a $20 discount if you sign up for both and pay in full by Jan 15th.

Family Time: newborn-7 with adult (or responsible teenager)
Mondays, 6:30- 7:30 PM
You do not have to have more than one child to participate nor do both parents have to attend. This is a multi-age class that I am anxious to teach and that I would be willing to allow a responsible, older sibling (at least 15) to work with the child in the place of their parent. (This allowance is made at my discretion and is subject to maturity of the older sibling.) This class runs from Feb 12 through April 16. It is a 10 week class and is $180 for one child, $40 more for each additional child.

Our Time (1 1/2-3 year olds, with parent)
Tuesdays, 6-7 PM.
This class is a great way to share some quality fun time with your little one. We sing a lot, dance/move a lot, work on our listening skills and play with different musical instruments as well as hoops, balls and colorful scarves. We will start this class on Tuesday, Jan 30 and finish up on May 8th. Price remains the same at $170 for the 15 week class (includes materials).
Please e-mail me at to secure your spot (minimum of 4, max of 8). All classes can be secured with a deposit of half of the fees (pays for materials). Family Time and Our Time participants receive a $20 discount if paid in full by Jan 15th. All classes must have a minimum of 4 and no more than 8 children. Classes are held at First United Methodist Church, downtown Frankfort.
I can work with you on payment options. E-mail me or call 357-0980 for information on a deep discount for homeschooling families.
Can't wait to sing and play with you and your children!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sounds like fall to me! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blogging Around
Monty's Children's Music Blog
What a fun site for music educators and folks who just like children's music. Lots of posts about his creative process, stuff from his "touring" visits and music excerpts of his. He is award winning, so check it out!

And here's another fun one for a homeschooling mom's view of life:!79311507CCFC123C!477.entry

I'll post others when I come across them... but probably not too many as I don't get much time to just surf myself! :)
Have a great day!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh, I Love a Rainy Night...
Just For Fun
and mornings, and afternoons... shucks, just the whole daggone day! Do you all remember that song? That's the one I sing in my head every time I wake up in the morning to rain, like I did this morning. It only drags me down after the third day or so (check back with me on Sunday... our third day of probable rain). I'm in either of two moods... 1: I want to stay in my jammies all day and do whatever pops up, call a friend, catch up on reading - OR - 2: Ready to conquer everything on my to-do list in doors because I don't have the possibility of being sidetracked with an outdoors activity or those errands that keep you running in and out of your car all day long.
Rain and music are very similar for me and for a lot of children. (Yes, I am very much a child at heart.) They can both change your mood, in a positive or negative way. And for me, it's the sound, the smell and the feeling of wet on your face... all of it I usually get a little-kid kind of happiness about. The sound and sight of heavey raindrops has always reminded me of soldiers marching... something from MY childhood, I guess.
So don't just cuddle up with a book this morning while your one child, or your several children, entertain themselves and each other. Cuddle up with those children and sing some splooshy, spleeshy, squishy, slish, slosh kind of songs... make some rain inspired art...go play outside in the rain for a few minutes with them and come inside for a comfy warm towel... or let them splash in a tub of water just because. Life's too short not to find enjoyment in even the stormy days!

"I love a rainy night. I love a rainy night. I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky. You know it makes me feel good. Well, I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight. I love to feel the rain On my face To taste the rain on my lips ... Puts a song In this heart of mine, Puts a smile on my face every time." Eddie Rabbit... gotta love him for that one song alone!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kindermusik Foundations of Learning
Language skills may be increased through playing with the sounds of familiar word patterns with a tune (see the following post). During vocal play, the child experiences rhythm, accents, synchronization and tempo, all integral parts of communication.
Grocery Store Antics
Just For Fun
It doesn't matter whether you have one child or ten, a trip to the grocery store can be a challenge. Lucky for me, my 11 year old twins help keep their little sister entertained while we go through the aisles, tickling her belly or making weird sounds or faces at her. You should hear her cackle! Or maybe you have if we've been in Kroger at the same time... she's very exuberant in her glee, to say the least.
If you need a new game to add to your grocery time, here's one for you, set to the tune of the Mother Goose Rhyme To Market . Make up your own poem and insert items from your shopping list.
"To market to market to buy some bananas,
Home again, home again, jiggety janas.
To market, to market to buy a quart of milk,
Home again, home again, jiggety jilk!"

Monday, September 11, 2006

Class Schedule:
Upcoming class possibilities:
For all those who missed the beginning of the fall session and would still like to get a music class in, Kapital Musik is offering the following classes.

Family Time: newborn-7 with adult (or responsible teenager, see post below).
Saturdays, 1-2 PM - Sept 30- Dec 9
Thursdays, 6-7 PM - Oct 12 - Dec 21
This class is a multi-age class. You do not have to have more than one child to participate nor do both parents have to attend. It is a 10 week class and is $180 for one child, $40 more for each additional child. Check out the post below for a description of the materials that are included in the price and a video clip.

Sign & Sing: 6 months-3 years
Sundays, 3-4 PM - Oct 1 - 29
Tuesdays, 6-7 PM - Oct 3 - 31
This class is for hearing and hearing impaired children alike and helps facilitate communication skills. Parents also learn to interpret their child's version of ASL signs and to become aware of the teachable moments. It is a 5 week class and is $80, including materials.

All classes can be secured with a deposit of a portion of the fees (pays for materials). Family Time participants receive a $20 discount if paid in full in advance. All classes must have a minimum of 4 and no more than 8 children. Classes are held at First United Methodist Church, downtown Frankfort.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fun at CCU's fun day for families!
Community Events
Commonwealth credit Union had their family fun day this morning and Kapital Musik was there to provide some music. If you stopped by the table, thanks! I got to make shakers with many, many pint sized musicians and stamped a lot of tiny hands with a music note to remind them of the fun. Kapital Musik was there to promote the Family Time and Sign and Sing classes (described in additional posts below) scheduled to begin in October. If you would like more information about when, where and how much, send me an e-mail at, leave a comment or call me at 357-0980. Thanks again for the fun!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

This fall go Here, There, Everywhere...
Class Descriptions
...with children ages newborn-7 years in Unit 2 of Family Time. The five sub-themes center around different family outings: a visit with a friend, an outing at the park, a trip to the city, an afternoon at the aquarium, and a day on the farm.
This unit's stories are Flip-Flap, Sugar Snap! and Jingle-Jangle Jambourine. You'll explore different ways to move like animals in Flip-Flap, Sugar Snap!, and in Jingle-Jangle Jambourine you'll follow a girl who has lost her jambourine during the day's outings (to the very same places visited in the curriculum—what a coincidence!) as she looks for it, finding it at home at the end of the story.

At Home Materials include: hand and finger puppets of Wags, the dog from the Jellybean Band, and two jambourines to enjoy in the classroom and at home—one green and one purple. As in Our Kind of Day, each family will receive two home CDs; Sing, Play, & Grow; and two Jellybean Band books in a clear vinyl bag.

Go to the following link for a fun look at an initial, trial class.

I hope you can tell from the video that this class is only limited by your imagination. One or both parents are welcome, one or more children are great, ages newborn - 7 year olds! There is something for everyone and I can't wait to "flip-flap", wiggle waggle and "jingle-jangle" with you and your child/ren this fall! E-mail me at or call 357-0980 for more info..
Class Description

Kapital Musik is now offering Sign &Sing, a new offering and a first of its kind joint venture between two of the top early childhood learning programs in America, Kindermusik and Signing Smart! Use the power of music, song, and play to create unique opportunities to share ASL signing with your child. Signing with young, hearing babies and children enriches their interactions, relieves frustration, and gives you fascinating insights into your little one's thoughts, preferences,and ideas. Signing facilitates early speech and vocabulary development, allows even very young children the opportunity to initiate conversation, aids in memory development, and increases concept formation, all while boosting self esteem. In every class, learn new, useful, and interesting 'target' signs to add to you and your child's growing vocabulary as you sing, dance, and play your way to both increased early communication and long-term learning.
Classes are intended for children 6 months – 3 years with a parent and are reasonably priced at $80, which includes materials. This is the first in a 2 set series and will be required before
taking the next class. Get a group of at least 5 friends to take the class and
I will try to work around a time that meets your needs.
Call Tammy Bailey at 357-0980 or e-mail at
Class Schedule
Fall Schedule
Where has the summer gone? My children and I are gearing up for our 6th grade year of schooling and I'm sure your families are planning their fall activities as well. Want to put some music to those fall activities?
The one class that I'm sure of time and day is that old favorite, Our Time (1 1/2-3 year olds, with parent) ... Tuesdays, 6-7 PM. We will start that class on Tuesday, August 29th. Price remains the same at $170 for the 15 week class (includes materials). Pay your fees in full by August 15th and take off $20. Please e-mail me at to secure your spot (minimum of 4, max of 8).
If this class doesn't fit your schedule, or you have more than one child, please let me know your interest and I will try to make something work before the end of the month. I do have a couple of other options, in addition to the other age specific classes. A multi-age class that I am anxious to teach and that I would be willing to allow a responsible, older sibling (at least 15) to work with the child in the place of their parent. (This allowance is made at my discretion and is subject to maturity of the older sibling.) There is also a sign language/music class that is VERY helpful for pre-speakers as well as young yappers who can't quite come out with the words but still have it in their hearts to express! These classes are 10 and 5 weeks long respectively, and are for newborns-7 year olds and 6 months- 3 year olds. I can work with you on payment. E-mail me or call 357-0980 for information on a deep discount for homeschooling families.
Can't wait to sing and play with you and your children!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

My Muse
"Childhood is a short season."
--Helen Hayes
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
-- Henry David Thoreau
"Then as we struggle on, the thoughts of that peaceful past time of childhood comes to us like soft music and a blissful vision through the snow."
-- Beatrix Potter

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just For Fun
Made Up Fun
Do you ever make up songs for you and your child? Or put a new spin on an old favorite to personalize it for your child? Here's one for you if your child keeps you moving and you can't seem to wear them out! Put your little one's name in and sing to "I'm A Little Teapot".
"I'm a little Moira, short and sweet.
Here are my fingers, here are my feet.
When I get all steamed up
hear me shout...
Pick me up or wear me out!"

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Just For Fun
Smile Time
There are precious moments that you are just blessed enough to catch. Times that could easily be missed just because they're not "loud". My Moira is 13 months old now. She's been walking for a little over a month. Which means she's just tall enough and mobile enough to reach the DVD/CD player, currently loaded with 4 music CDs and 1 Harry Potter movie. In the past few weeks it has become her routine, almost as soon as she walks into the living room in the morning, to go here and push a button. Almost without fail, a particular CD of children's folk music comes on. The volume on the player isn't turned up very loud... sometimes I can't even hear it but I can see the results! She's standing there just wiggling her little butt dancing to the music. Sometimes her hands and arms are in the air and she's turning a little circle. And the smile on that face! :) Worth it all. It really doesn't surprise me because she's been hearing music since before she was born - I taught my kindermusik classes right up until about a month before she was born. What does surprise me is that this child is moving to the beat! Can you believe it? Pretty much in time with whatever music she's turned on. And when I sing to her at night, she'll sing back to me in an actual singing voice. No simple, lilting, talking voice here. This kids got chops! Or maybe it's just me.... NAAAAH!
Dance with your child or someone else's today. No better place to get your smiles!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Any Shutterbug Parents Out There?
Just For Fun

Of course, every parent takes a ton of pictures of their children. Or maybe you're like me and your other children are old enough to take some pretty good pics while you're actually doing all the housework (or taking a much appreciated bath/nap). I am also blessed enough to have a wonderful sister who takes a blue-million shots of all of them whenever she's around. Parenting magazine is sponsoring their 17th annual photo contest from now through October 30, 2006. Winning pics receive a free digital camera and their cuties' picture in a summer 2007 issue. Digital pics can be submitted by going to Please note that all digital pics must taken on high or super-high quality setting and submitted in jpeg format with a file size no smaller than 2 MB and no larger than 10 MB.
Now when am I ever going to get around to scrapbooking 11 years worth of pictures? :) If only THAT were the prize!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

What People Are Saying...
My 1.5 year old son and I attended Ms. Tammy's program. Jackson learned a lot and I was active in teaching my son. I don't know who learned more, Jackson or me. Thank you, Ms. Tammy, for teaching us about music, ourselves, and each other.
James Hale,
as written for Kindermusik testimonials (, 1/30/95

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Muse

"You must get your living by loving."
-Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Music and Breakfast, The Teachable Moments
Foundations of Learning

There is a commercial out right now for a popular children's cereal that "talks" to you. Mom and child are bent over the bowl, intent on the message for the morning. The voiceover says something about teaching your child to listen. I must confess, though I heard the commercial, I didn't "hear" it well enough to remember it 2 hours later, after my children have all been sent to bed. And breakfast is too far away to go and get it straight from the cereal bowl's mouth. :) The point of the spot, though, was that listening is something that we have to teach our children to do. Different from hearing, listening takes a lot more concentration.
"Active listening is a process that goes beyond the physical act of hearing. It is an intellectual and emotional process that integrates a full range of inputs in a search for the meaning of and an understanding of a sender's message. It involves listening 'between the lines' to hear what is not said as well as what is said." Early Childhood Education, Blending Theory, Blending Practice by Lawrence J. Johnson, M.J. LaMontagne, Peggy M. Elgas, Anne M. Bauer
Listening is even hard for Mommies and Daddies to do sometimes. What did your 4 year old tell you he ate with the dog while you were busy trying to feed the baby? We live in a world where tuning things out is sometimes the only way to make it through our days... was the elevator music on or was the elderly gentleman next to you whistling? And sometimes we use music to tame the beasties before naptime or bedtime. Heck, I can remember leaving the tv on while going to sleep in my college dorm where there were a lot of sounds you didn't necessarily want to hear.
In our music classes, children as young as 18 monthes are asked to listen... "what do you hear? can you hear the train whistle? can you hear the conductor yelling 'All aboard!" And actually cupping their tiny little hands around their ears or rubbing them so they can hear better. But we don't stop there! Pull the whistle chain... shout All Aboard! We really get into our listening.
Which is the key to the whole thing, isn't it? The next time you and your child are listening to something - music, a tv show, the rain storming down on the roof or that train that's barreling by- get into it! Put a little action and a little imagination into it. Your child will get a lot more out of the next storytime at the library, guaranteed! :)

Friday, June 02, 2006

I just need to sing the praises of Kindermusik!

I found online a skills checklist that children should know by the end of different ages. I pulled up Age 3 to see what to work on with Cheney. It was broke down into curriculums and the skills to work on. I was checking everything right down the line that we need to work on with Cheney. I was getting worried as there was barely anything on the list that she knew....until we came to the Music Curriculum. Many thanks to Kindermusik, under your instruction, the only thing I circled to work on was understanding that reading music tells us what/how to sing and what/how to play musical instruments. I don't think she knows that. But she met all the age 2 music requirements and all age 3 (loud/soft, fast/slow, sings simple fun songs, keep simple rhythm by either clapping hands or playing drum) with the exception of what I just listed about understanding reading music.
from Sandy, Kapital Musik parent

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Have A Ball!
Just For Fun

Balls are a wonderful play thing for little ones! I know if they had had those really huge ones out when I was a kid, the size alone would have fascinated me for hours... even when I was a little older. The big ones would be good for developing those tummy and neck muscles and a sense of balance just by laying your child on his belly on top. Keep hold of him for support and wobble the ball back and forth just a little. Moira still likes that! Of course, if your little one is a little older you may have many different balls around your house. Get them all out and talk about different attributes of the balls - size, color... some even have a texture or a smell. A great cause and effect would be to roll a ball into another one to bump it and push it a little ways. Or, since it's the summer, dry out the kiddy wading pull for a change and put all of your balls in it and your little one in the middle - lots of tactile fun there! And don't forget to stock up on beach balls while they're widely available - a beach ball as a Christmas present could be a great story starter or reminder of all of this season's fun. If you have any great ball play ideas, feel free to comment. I'm always looking for something different to do with the little toys we already have around the house!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Muse...
"Some of my best friends are children."
-Ogden Nash
Kindermusik's Foundations of Learning

Have you ever watched your child trying to bounce a ball, holding onto it tightly and jumping up and down? Or maybe when asked to roll the ball to someone, they walk it to them?

"Children are intrigued by bouncing balls. However, early in development, children are 'moved' by the balls rather than 'moving' the balls where they want them to go. ...A very frequent occurrence is that the young child will drop the ball and then immediately flex at the hips to follow the ball down. The result most often is not only a 'miss' on the cathc but a 'hit' in the chest or even the face as the rebounding ball collides with the bent over-child. In most cases, it takes some guidance for the child to 'notice' that if the ball is dropped, it will bounce back up. It may also take some verbal rehearsal to help insure success as a 'drop, wait, catch.'"

-"Motor Development and Physical Education for Young Children,"

by Lolas E. Halverson.

Moving and Learning for the Young Child,

William J. Stinson, Ed.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Summer Camp 2006
Class Schedule

Looking for a fun, energetic camp for the whole family? Maybe something with a soundtrack in the background? Well, Kindermusik's Our Kind Of Day should be a perfect fit! Kapital Musik will host this family music camp as a week long adventure, June 26-30 and on Tuesdays for five weeks July 18 – August 15. Both camps will be 6-7 PM and are $105 for the first child, $50 for each additional child under 5, $25 for children 6-9 and all others considered parent helpers and invited to join the fun for free. Materials are a part of the fees and include (1) Family Guide, (2) Home CDs, (2) Home Literature Books, (2) Double Egg Shaker Instruments (1 red, 1 blue), (1) Child's size Kangaroo hand puppet with Joey finger puppet, and (1) Domino Game with instructions. As an added bonus, if you would like to take the extended 10 week fall version, register by the last class and receive $75 off... making your fall class $80 (with one child)!! To register, e-mail with your child(ren)'s name, birthday, your address and phone number and I'll send a quick reply. Deadline to register is June 5 and 26 to guarantee your family's spot (class size is limited to 12) and your materials arrival on time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Class schedule for spring 2006:
Our Time (1 1/2 - 3 year olds), 6-7 PM Tuesdays
Recorder Karate (homeschoolers), 3:30-4:30 Thursdays