Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh, I Love a Rainy Night...
Just For Fun
and mornings, and afternoons... shucks, just the whole daggone day! Do you all remember that song? That's the one I sing in my head every time I wake up in the morning to rain, like I did this morning. It only drags me down after the third day or so (check back with me on Sunday... our third day of probable rain). I'm in either of two moods... 1: I want to stay in my jammies all day and do whatever pops up, call a friend, catch up on reading - OR - 2: Ready to conquer everything on my to-do list in doors because I don't have the possibility of being sidetracked with an outdoors activity or those errands that keep you running in and out of your car all day long.
Rain and music are very similar for me and for a lot of children. (Yes, I am very much a child at heart.) They can both change your mood, in a positive or negative way. And for me, it's the sound, the smell and the feeling of wet on your face... all of it I usually get a little-kid kind of happiness about. The sound and sight of heavey raindrops has always reminded me of soldiers marching... something from MY childhood, I guess.
So don't just cuddle up with a book this morning while your one child, or your several children, entertain themselves and each other. Cuddle up with those children and sing some splooshy, spleeshy, squishy, slish, slosh kind of songs... make some rain inspired art...go play outside in the rain for a few minutes with them and come inside for a comfy warm towel... or let them splash in a tub of water just because. Life's too short not to find enjoyment in even the stormy days!

"I love a rainy night. I love a rainy night. I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky. You know it makes me feel good. Well, I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight. I love to feel the rain On my face To taste the rain on my lips ... Puts a song In this heart of mine, Puts a smile on my face every time." Eddie Rabbit... gotta love him for that one song alone!

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