Monday, December 04, 2006

Give The Gift Of Music!
Does your child have a toy box packed with toys that they haven't played with in weeks? Or a play room that is overflowing into the hallway? Grandparents or distant aunts and uncles need Christmas present ideas for your little one? Kapital Musik classes make a great gift... no strings attached (and none of those pesky twist ties and plastic to have to work through. Not to mention that you won't need batteries for this gift!).
Kapital Musik's winter/spring schedule:

Sign & Sing: 6 months-3 years Mondays, 5 – 6 PM
This class is for hearing and hearing impaired children alike and helps facilitate communication skills. It is VERY helpful for pre-speakers as well as young yappers who can't quite come out with the words but still have it in their hearts to express! Parents also learn to interpret their child's version of ASL signs and to become aware of the teachable moments. Session A will run from Feb 5th through March 5th. Session B will run from April 16 through May 14th. You must take Session A classes to participate in Session B. Both are 5 week classes and are $80 each, including materials. Take a $20 discount if you sign up for both and pay in full by Jan 15th.

Family Time: newborn-7 with adult (or responsible teenager)
Mondays, 6:30- 7:30 PM
You do not have to have more than one child to participate nor do both parents have to attend. This is a multi-age class that I am anxious to teach and that I would be willing to allow a responsible, older sibling (at least 15) to work with the child in the place of their parent. (This allowance is made at my discretion and is subject to maturity of the older sibling.) This class runs from Feb 12 through April 16. It is a 10 week class and is $180 for one child, $40 more for each additional child.

Our Time (1 1/2-3 year olds, with parent)
Tuesdays, 6-7 PM.
This class is a great way to share some quality fun time with your little one. We sing a lot, dance/move a lot, work on our listening skills and play with different musical instruments as well as hoops, balls and colorful scarves. We will start this class on Tuesday, Jan 30 and finish up on May 8th. Price remains the same at $170 for the 15 week class (includes materials).
Please e-mail me at to secure your spot (minimum of 4, max of 8). All classes can be secured with a deposit of half of the fees (pays for materials). Family Time and Our Time participants receive a $20 discount if paid in full by Jan 15th. All classes must have a minimum of 4 and no more than 8 children. Classes are held at First United Methodist Church, downtown Frankfort.
I can work with you on payment options. E-mail me or call 357-0980 for information on a deep discount for homeschooling families.
Can't wait to sing and play with you and your children!