Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Kindermusik's Foundations of Learning

Have you ever watched your child trying to bounce a ball, holding onto it tightly and jumping up and down? Or maybe when asked to roll the ball to someone, they walk it to them?

"Children are intrigued by bouncing balls. However, early in development, children are 'moved' by the balls rather than 'moving' the balls where they want them to go. ...A very frequent occurrence is that the young child will drop the ball and then immediately flex at the hips to follow the ball down. The result most often is not only a 'miss' on the cathc but a 'hit' in the chest or even the face as the rebounding ball collides with the bent over-child. In most cases, it takes some guidance for the child to 'notice' that if the ball is dropped, it will bounce back up. It may also take some verbal rehearsal to help insure success as a 'drop, wait, catch.'"

-"Motor Development and Physical Education for Young Children,"

by Lolas E. Halverson.

Moving and Learning for the Young Child,

William J. Stinson, Ed.

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