Saturday, August 05, 2006

Class Schedule
Fall Schedule
Where has the summer gone? My children and I are gearing up for our 6th grade year of schooling and I'm sure your families are planning their fall activities as well. Want to put some music to those fall activities?
The one class that I'm sure of time and day is that old favorite, Our Time (1 1/2-3 year olds, with parent) ... Tuesdays, 6-7 PM. We will start that class on Tuesday, August 29th. Price remains the same at $170 for the 15 week class (includes materials). Pay your fees in full by August 15th and take off $20. Please e-mail me at to secure your spot (minimum of 4, max of 8).
If this class doesn't fit your schedule, or you have more than one child, please let me know your interest and I will try to make something work before the end of the month. I do have a couple of other options, in addition to the other age specific classes. A multi-age class that I am anxious to teach and that I would be willing to allow a responsible, older sibling (at least 15) to work with the child in the place of their parent. (This allowance is made at my discretion and is subject to maturity of the older sibling.) There is also a sign language/music class that is VERY helpful for pre-speakers as well as young yappers who can't quite come out with the words but still have it in their hearts to express! These classes are 10 and 5 weeks long respectively, and are for newborns-7 year olds and 6 months- 3 year olds. I can work with you on payment. E-mail me or call 357-0980 for information on a deep discount for homeschooling families.
Can't wait to sing and play with you and your children!

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